'n Geruime tyd terug het ek vir amper almal wat ek ken, Afrikaans & Engels, 'n klomp vra ge-epos wat hulle moes terug stuur. Dit was natuurlik in engels gewees & ek het belsuit om die beste antwoorde uit te haal & vir julle almal daar buite te wys omrede ek niks meer terug kry nie. Die volgende mense het deelgeneem :
So hier volg dit dan nou - 'unedited':
1. What time is it?
-- Francis : 16:26 and counting
2. Name:
-- Matt : Matt Von Heinze
-- Frouwine : Frouwine /Wienas / Fro for the English lot
3. Piercing:
-- Fran : Tongue and rhymes with yum..
-- Kevin : Left ear twice, right once, eyebrow, alas they are no more.
-- Frouwine : I had a nose ring but you know my dad.. it had to go...ha ha..
4. What is the most recent movie that you seen in a theatre:
-- Matt : Star Wars Ep III, Anakin was Vadar?!? Never saw it coming
-- Kevin : ...who needs a theatre when you have broadband?
5. Birth Place:
-- Francis : Pretoria
-- Fran : Staatmaker Pietersburg, aka Polokwane
-- Kevin : Tripoli, Libya
-- Frouwine : don't laugh HA uggmm...Zimbabwe, Harare
-- Jay : Hitchin, Hertfordshire
-- Stefan : Pietersburg (NOT POLOKWANE!)
-- Christo : Bethal
-- Jaco : Christo was Born in Bethal ? Ha Ha HA !!!....uggmm...Pretoria
-- Matt : Wembley
6. Ever been to Africa: Yes
-- Frouwine : Yes..best place in the world
-- Jay : Yes I work at Unisys
-- Jaco : Yes....& it was dark....
7. Ever been toilet papering rolling:
-- Matt : No I just wipe my arse with it, am I doing something wrong?
-- Jaco : what else is there to do if you spend half an hour on the loo ??
8. Loved someone so much it made you cry:
-- Jay : Jaco's Mum
-- Kevin : Chuck Norris - his tears can cure cancer. But Chuck Norris never cries.
-- Matt : No love is a weakness and I need to be able to vanish at a moments notice without any of those sentimental attachments.
9. Been in a car accident:
-- Francis : Ja al 5 keer, net eenkeer het ek bestuur
-- Matt : No my 106(Peugeot) rules the highways and any opposing vehicles flee in terror
-- Stefan : Yes, it was the drivers fault, both times!
-- Kevin : Yes, got twisted on perscription drugs, vodka and redbull at uni - needless to say it was a write-off... in my defence, the tyres were kinda flat.
10. Croutons or bacon bits:
-- Matt : Broutons...i just invented them....keep your eyes open
11. Favourite day of the week:
-- Stefan : Everyday, when you are unemployed LOL
12. Favorite Restaurant:
-- Francis : Cuppicino's in Menlyn en Primi Piatti
-- Stefan : Romans, two for one (what can I say...)
13. Favorite Flower:
-- Francis : Geel rose en baberton daisies
--Rowan : Peruvian Daffodil en Dissa uniflora!!
-- Jay : Thats Gay!
14. Favourite Sport:
-- Matt : Sports are frivolous activities and my energy is better spent on other things
15. Favorite Alcoholic Drink:
-- Christo : Erdinger, Weisbier!
16. What colour is your bedroom:
-- Rowan : Bruin
-- Fran : Lime green orange choclate brown white, sounds funny, looks great..
-- Stefan : Usually the color that the people who are peying the rent painted it...
17. Do you have carpets:
-- Rowan : Yip bruin
-- Frouwine : Yes and they are grey so that you cant see if it is dirty.
-- Jay : No, Solid oak actually. :-)
-- Jaco : Fake wooden floors....full of dust & Niels underwear...& pc parts...
18. Before this one, from whom did you get your last e-mail:
--Matt : Scarlet Johansson, she just won’t leave me alone
-- Jaco : Pieter Gieter...Schutte...
19. What do you do most often when you are bored:
--Rowan : Kyk tv of beoefen my stokperdjie (Voëlkyk)...
-- Matt : Browse the web for……interesting pictures
-- Kevin : Beat shit out of whoever suggested whatever it is that is boring me
-- Christo : Read or go to gym
-- Jaco : Christo lies, he watches porn - as do I
20. Who will respond to this e-mail the quickest:
-- Francis : Ryk Neethling of Maurice Greene
-- Stefan : John McEnroe
21. Who's the person you sent this to that is least likely to respond:
-- Francis : Matt Damon
-- Fran : Rolf
-- Kevin : have auto-blocked all replies to this spam
-- Frouwine : Louis.. he is to lazy to answer this
22. Who are you the most curious about their responses to this questionnaire?:
-- Francis : Hugh Jackman
-- Jay : Anyone who hates Jaco
-- Jaco : Brett...he will probably answer : I am busy drawing a house...
23. Favourite TV shows:
-- Matt : Jenna’s American Porn Show thing it’s factual…really
24. Ford or Chevy: chevy
-- Matt : Chevy…man I love that man’s movies
-- Frouwine : mmm ek ry eerder fiets
25. What are you listening to right now:
-- Francis : die gezoem van bye... niks nie
-- Matt : The voices in my head telling me to make them all burn
-- Jay : CJ speaking about football
-- Christo : Other students in the informatorium
-- Jaco : My colleagues going on about last nights footballl...again
26. Favourite colour:
-- Francis : hang af van wat ons praat
-- Rowan : Bruin en geel
27. How many pets do you have:
-- Francis : een sy naam is Quintin en hy ken nogals baie tricks...
28. What are you wearing:
-- Kevin : Thats a bit forward isn't it... we hardly know each other
29. What is the greatest place on earth:
-- Kevin : Utopia (says Google)
-- Frouwine : Bosveld and Zambezi valley in Zimbabwe
-- Jay : Scarlett Johansson's bedroom!!!!!
30. How would you react to a flat tyre?
-- Fran : Pump up my cleavage, smile generously and wait for a victim...
-- Jaco : Curse alot, kick it-while cursing, change it(still cursing)...
-- Matt : I would whip Ingrid my inflatable girlfriend out of the boot and in an extreme sacrifice use her precious air to re-inflate said tire. I will remember her always.
31. How many people are u sending this to:
-- Francis : 5 + 3 + 21... ek weet nie
Ek weet nie of julle ook dieseldfe gevoel kry dat helfte van hierdie mense deesdae groot op drugs is nie - veral ou Rowan wat hou van alles wat Bruin is ... Net so terloops, Niel het ook nou 'n Blog begin, gaan loer gerus na :
Silver Bullit !!
Monday, March 20, 2006
Leer jou vriende ken...
Gepos deur Jaco teen 10:58 pm
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